I was sitting at my desk at work this morning. One of my tasks is to greet everyone who comes into the office. Since I boycott the way to commonly used and super cheesy "Aloha", I said a cheerful "Good Morning" to young adult males that walked in. One carried a yellow ladder and one carried a tool bag. Both were buff, tough looking and ready to get to work. They looked like the typical physical plant workers, who always just do their own thing without trying to disturb people, so I figured these boys knew what to do. But they stood there confused for a minute, so I said "Can I help you?"
"Ummm. Apparently we are here to check the rat traps in the attic" Worker 2 responded.

"Oh. Ok." I said "Go ahead"
They responded with a hesitant "Thanks" and went into the copy room.
In that instant I figured out that rat trap checking isn't in their usual job description.
In a normal situation I would have just resumed my work. But this was not a normal situation.
I could hear these two huge manly guys in the other room, arguing.
Worker 1"No. YOU get up on the ladder and I'll hold the bag."
Worker 2"NO WAY! I'm older. You get up on the ladder."
W1 "Ok fine. But next time we switch."
W2 "Deal"
W1 put on rubber gloves and proceeded up the ladder to open up the attic cover. W2 held up a trash bag next to the ladder, ready to receive the prize.
What happened next, is very hard to describe except to say there was alot of shrill and very girly screaming coming from those two boys.

W1 was on the ladder was holding a glue trap with two harmless and dead baby rats attached. He screamed and dropped it into the bag like a very hot potato and started to climb down the ladder. Then W2 dropped the bag and screamed. Then they both started screaming and dancing around and saying "Ewwww thats sooooo grosssss" "We are never doing this again!"
Worker 2 "Those are babies, so where is the mom?"
Worker 1 "OH MY GOSH! That means there are still more up there!"
More frantic screaming and hopping up and down.
Really boys really? Over dead baby rats in a situation where you KNEW there would be dead rats? Not even like they snuck up on you.
And you call yourself men.