Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Abbs Moment

Today after I picked Abbs up from school, she wanted to get a snack. She always gets a snack. The boys were in school for another hour, so it was up to her to choose. She chose Carls Jr because of their milkshakes.

We were waiting in line and she was looking at the milkshake poster. All of the sudden she looked up at me and said "Kirs Birs I don't want my snack from here anymore."

"Why not?" I asked her.

"Because" she said, pointing up to the milkshake sign "it says hand-scooped ice cream and thats disgusting! They need to use a spoon!"

The two college boys behind us in line started cracking up. I explained to her what hand-scooped meant and she said "Well then they shouldn't say that on the poster!"

1 comment:

Carol Dichmann said...

Ummmm, how funny is that! I didn't know she said that! Sounds just like her thou!

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