Thursday, April 8, 2010

I just realized something.

Do you remember this post?

or my more recent post about bacon donuts?

Well I realized that Puff comes by these dining habits completely honestly. You see, my family only eats things in the combination of salty/sweet. Not together in the same dish, but for example milkshakes and french fries. Or salad with rasins.  Mango or watermelon with salt. Rice krispie treats with dinner. Banana in sushi. Peanut butter banana toast. Mango salsa. Honey roasted peanuts. Apples and cheese. Carmel popcorn.  Dates wrapped in bacon. Dates on top of guacamole. Chocolate covered pretzels. Candy and popcorn. I really hate the overwhelming monotony of eating all salty or all sweet. The combination is necessary. This may sound totally gross to you, but if your tounge doesn't understand salty/sweet then it probably would be gross. I happen to love it.

I think I will give Puff a break.

Why do i think this?

Cuz the other day we were sitting around the table eating sushi

with a side of vanilla ice cream.

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