Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To say the least, Puff has some

interesting dining habits. When he was little, he would only eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches if they were dipped in ranch dressing. But what little kid doesn't like ranch dressing? Then he moved onto the lovely concoction of Root Beer with parmesan cheese delicately floating on the top. We teased him about this for a long time. It is disgusting. After a while, he begged and begged for us to give it up.

"I don't do stuff like that anymore!"

As a courtesy we dropped the topic. No more reminiscing about the days of PB&J w/ ranch and parmesan Root Beer. We dropped it until I caught him red-handed at the dinner table slipping back into his old habits.

You may ask what I caught Puff eating? Well, just a vanilla ice cream cone

with a few drizzles of

A-1 Steak Sauce.

He will never hear the end of it now!

1 comment:

The Sea said...

hahaha, that's hilarious!

I remember when my sister and i used to eat spaghetti with honey and chocolate buds... i kid you not, it's actually alright! :P

hope to hear from you! Check out my blog!

Regards, Dee

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