Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Bach Week 2

They are the biggest group of “WOO” girls. If you watch How I Met Your Mother, you know what I mean. They scream every time the doorbell rings, every time they see Jake and anytime anyone says anything.
Rozlyn showing her crotch during the photo shoot is class-less and disgusting.
Jake was adorable with Christina  when she was nervous at the photo shoot. I had a huge crush on him at that little moment when he started to dance with her and dip her. Too bad Christina has no self-esteem and it shows.
Loved Rozlyn’s super dramatic reaction when Jake gave her the rose. I think she thought he was proposing already and it was just a silly rose. She is slutty.
Michelle is psycho, psycho, psycho. So is Vienna. Complete with crazy eyes.
Bahahahahahaha cue “On the Wings of Love” during Jake and Ali’s flight.
Adorable date with Ali. The motorcycle ride, the flight, Palm Springs, old car ride, the yellow dress, beautiful necklace, adorable kiss. I love Ali. So does my mommy and Puff.
Vienna looks like Haylie Duff
Elizabeth wore the wrong shoes for a day at a theme park. Why did she have to read him her feelings off of a note? She can’t remember how she feels about him?
I love Jake because he says things like “I respect her values” and “she’s a beautiful person on the inside.” And he means it. He is a little on the corny side but he’s adorable.
As I said before, Rozlyn is slutty. She deserved to go home. She looked so dumb trying to pretend like she didn’t do anything wrong. And her hair was ugly. I think the whole situation was properly handled by the show.
Ali- Love her
Elizabeth- like her
Vienna- bad choice she’s crazy
Ella- I think I like her but I want to see her on a date with Jake
Corrie- I liked her dress
Michelle- still a bad move. And he’s picked her close to last both times. I think that says something.
Christina- she brought it upon herself. She has no self-confidence.

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