Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Party Games

DEF: Party games are games that some people play as forms of entertainment at social gatherings.

I absolutely love going to baby showers and bridal showers. But I always get nervous if there are going to be games. I usually like the games and especially the prizes, but I still get nervous.

Will I have to put on a bib and drink out of a baby bottle? (True story)

Will I have to eat cake in the shape of a you know what and pretend like I think it is funny? (True story)

Will I have to eat melted candy bars out of a diaper? (True story)

I have been to many showers with very fun games and awesome prizes (like when my mom and I won a pound of See's chocolate and when I won an adorable makeup bag) and some mortifying showers where I faked an prior engagement and left before it started.

Maybe it's my personality. Maybe I am the only one on the entire earth that dislikes mortifying party games. I don't know.

What's the worst party game you've ever been subjected to?


Rose said...

oh my gosh kirsi pie, you hit the nail on the head! i absolutely hate mortifying party games with all of my heart! actually that is a lie... i hate ALL party games (i know, i'm a loser. what can i say, i have horrible stage fright). i wish we could all just sit around and chat like adults. even if i go to a shower of some sort and there are no awkward games, i end up sweating abnormal amounts and having to clench my arms to my sides so that no one notices just because of the anticipation! i keep waiting for someone to call my name and order me to dress up in a toilet paper thong and bikini and prance around... uggg! i refuse to subject my guests at my wedding shower to such ridiculousness. great post kirsi :) miss ya. love, rose
ps: i created a google account just so i could comment on this post.... i think that shows how strongly i feel on the subject. haha

Lexie Thomas said...

The most embarrassing game is,well I don't actually know the name of it. But we were together with family and friends. (most of us were married, which makes it more weird and awkward.) Anyway, everyone sits around in a circle, and one person is in the middle, blindfolded, holding a pillow to their bumb.Once the person is blindfolded, everyone seated gets up and moves chairs. The blindfolded person then walks around the circle and has to sit on someones lap. When they sit on a lap they say a name of an animal. They person getting sat on has to make the sound. The person blindfolded has to guess who's lap they are sitting on. I don't know if I can fully get my point across to how humiliating this game is.. It may have ended in tears...:)

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