Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have a religion teacher who

thinks he is very, very funny. No one, save MM, laughs at his jokes. There are a few reasons for this. The first and most importantly being that 99% of the time they are simply not funny. The other being that teaching at such a culturally diverse school such as mine will guarantee you a student body of college students who can barely recognize their own name when it is called on the roll let alone a bad joke. But I will give him credit for two things.

1. He can effortlessly write upside down.

2. He has taken the time to make himself a Wikepedia page, which is one of our go to web locations when we need a good laugh. As MM so appropriately put it "Who Wikipedias themself?????"
The tragedy of the Wikipedia page is that it doesn't have a picture.
But don't worry.

His website totally does.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

YOU are my favorite person. I wish I was in your religion class soooo bad!!!

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