Monday, December 7, 2009

Kona Temple Trip

After 2 hours of sleep, Pocahontas and I set off to the buses.

It was 2:40 am. No one should ever have to wake up at this time. Don't get me wrong, I have definately been awake at 2:40 before. Its just that those times, it was because I hadn't been to bed. This time it was because I had been to bed and then rudely awakened by my alarm clock.

We were sure we looked ridiculous walking down the street in the middle of the night in our church clothes.

Me and Pocahontas on the school bus. By 3 am we were on our way to the airport.

Waiting to get on the airplane.

The tired faces of MM, Pocahontas and me

MM and Me on the airplane.

We got to Kona about 6 am and got on another bus to the temple. After our assigned time to go into the temple ended at 8:30 am, we had nothing to do until we left to go back to the airport at 3:30.
Boredom ensued.

Pocahontas took pictures of the beautiful orchids

And tried to catch geckos. They were too fast for her. Even with the lure of wheat thins and candy.

Me, MM and Tialei enjoying the sunshine on the bench.

Me and MM on the bus back to the airport

Keli'i and Pocahontas

This picture describes the day the Pocahontas and MM had with each other. They bugged one another every chance they got. I almost lost it on them. Ming and Tialei snacking in the background.

Keli'i doing his turtle moves in our animal noise games.

We were soooooo tired, but it was worth it.


Hannah said...

Looks so lovely! It's snowing in provo:(

Janiebelle007 said...

Snowing in Idaho, too. Please post only monsoon photos for the rest of the winter. Thanks.

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