Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer Chores

When I was growing up I looked forward to summer all year. Unfortunately the only thing I can remember about my summers as a child is being forced to do an obscene amount of chores against my will. (ok ok we did a TON of fun things too but at the time it seemed like alot of chores.)

One summer my cousin Ali lived with us. As a result, she got the honor of participating in morning chores with us. I absolutely love my cousin Ali and she used to be mortified at the telling of this story but enough time has passed that she can laugh. One fateful morning we gathered anxiously around my mom to hear our assignments. I don't remember what I had to do, or what my brother had to do. But i DO remember that Ali had to mow the lawn.......... We lived in a house with about this much lawn. My best estimate is that the entire chore would have taken about 15 minutes start to finish. We happily started working. The sooner we started the sooner we would be done. My mom, being an awesome supervisor, made the rounds checking on everybody.
What she found was nothing short of tragic. Ali was lying on her bed, eyes closed. The room was dark. In her best "I am about to be angry if you dont have a good excuse for not mowing the lawn" voice my mom said "Allister whats wrong?" to which Ali responded:
" I think I'm going blind!"
The mere thought of a little physical labor was to much to handle. Horrible as this sounds, have no fear. Like some kind of miracle, the second someone else mowed the lawn and all the chores were complete Ali's sight was restored.
But my mom is no dummy. "Get in the car guys. We're going to the beach! Oh but wait a second Ali you can't come. You're blind remember?"

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