Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Beach Boys AND Little Big Town

We went to two free concerts at the fair. The first was Little Big Town. They were wonderful.
Leena Lou was obsessed with the one with huge blonde hair.
Then we saved seats for the Beach Boys. I grew up listening to them with Mac. Leena Lou managed to know some of the songs.
My mommny always tells us "yeah I could never go to the Beach Boys because it was always on Sunday. And then all my friends would come back with a great tan!"
This was her chance.
Unfortunately, Puff was the most bored I have ever seen anyone be at a concert.
The only song he knew was California Girls.
To which the lead singer said "Take that Katy Perry!" when they were done singing it.
It was so so fun!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

for some reason i thought the bottom picture was going to be a close up of the beach boys. then i realized the beach boys looked a lot like the male members of your family.

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