Monday, July 19, 2010

Mac's Monday Madness

Yellow Teeth? I just don't think There is an Excuse

So, here it is just about one o clock in the morning. I am very tired, a long day of work ahead. However, i do think this needs to be addressed.
 I saw an old friend today while i was shopping, saw him from a distance, motioned to him to come over,r he is a great guy... actually let me preface by saying this, "there are a lot of things in our physical appearance that we just have no control over. Me for example; I happen to have wavy to curly hair. There really is nothing i can do about it. One time when i was about 15 i got it chemically straightened, it was OK, but every time i looked in the mirror i was reminded of an African American man, that just happened to have blonde hair"
I say all of that because i acknowledge there are some things about our physical appearance that we can not change, nor would we want to change them.
I think that everyone single person, across the board, could agree that yellow teeth are something that you would want to change. And i am here to emphatically say, it is something you do have control over and you can change.
So back to my friend who i saw today, who had many long painful years of orthodontics work to have a more aesthetically pleasing face, but had teeth that look very similar to the ones underneath this large mustache. This is all i say, "it's not a big deal, for $20 all of that can change, read the consumer report, Crest White strips don't even take the enamel off your teeth, and i believe there is minimal sensitivity side effects. Good luck my dear friend..."

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