Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Puff and Leena Lou have trouble saying words that end in NG.

They can say the words. They just don't say the G.

Word: going
Puff/Leena Lou translation: go-een
Used in a sentance: "Oh I'm just go-een to work."

Word: driving
Puff/Leena Lou translation: dry-veen
Used in a sentance: "Are you dry-veen or am I?"

Word: bleeding
Puff/Leena Lou translation: bleed-eeen
Used in a sentance: "Is the bottom of my foot bleed-eeen?"

Got it?

Thus began the confusion of this conversation a few days ago.

Mac: K everyone let's go on a family walk

Puff: Where are we gonna go?

Mac: Just our usual walk

Puff: Oh, Mac, I don't want to go on a lawn walk!

Mac: Huh?

Puff: I don't want to go on a lawn walk!

Mac: I don't understand. We aren't gonna walk on anyone's lawn.

Dead silence. Mac has an ah-ha moment.

Mac: Oh Puff. Don't worry it won't be a long walk. It'll just be a short one!

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